If you are interested in artificial intelligence or biomimetic computing systems, please feel free to contact our institutional sales.

Please describe your use case and goals with as much detail as possible so we may route your request to the correct engineering department.

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If you are a client, please contact us from inside your client portal or through the contact system you have been assigned.

We have engineers on staff 24/7 that can help. Please be sure to use the system so that your requests can be processed quickly and efficiently.


If you would like to coordinate meeting with us during a conference, please request a list of conferences we attend, and a coordinator will work with you to arrange meetings.

For extended engineering meetings, please note that in your request so we can determine which team members will be available for a particular conference.

We can also schedule for you to meet at our offices for extended engineering and development meetings.

Explain your needs in as much detail so we can find the most convenient opportunities.